Grand Jurisdiction of Alabama
Grand Jurisdiction of Alabama

Ashmole #108

Ashmole College #108 meets on the second Friday of January and May at Air Force One Lodge in Montgomery, AL with the meetings beginning at 7:00pm.

Our Annual Meeting is the second Friday of May.

Zach A. Holmes
Preeminent Governor

For OFFICIAL Information, contact:
Recorder: Thomas H. Nesbit, OPC.
2047 Taylor Road
Dothan, AL 36301

Officers of Ashmole College #108, YRC

Preeminent GovernorZach A. Holmes
Deputy GovernorBobby K. Jordan
ChancellorBrian K. Autrey
TreasurerKelly A. McMichael, OPC
SecretaryThomas H. Nesbit, OPC
PrimateDana A. Hochhalter
PreceptorG. Gregory Durr
SeneschalFrankie Cabaniss
MarshalTerry D. Macon
SentinelDavid E. P. Jordan

Meeting Location