Ashmole College #108 meets on the second Friday of January and May at Air Force One Lodge in Montgomery, AL with the meetings beginning at 7:00pm.
Our Annual Meeting is the second Friday of May.
Zach A. Holmes
Preeminent Governor
For OFFICIAL Information, contact:
Recorder: Thomas H. Nesbit, OPC.
2047 Taylor Road
Dothan, AL 36301
Officers of Ashmole College #108, YRC
OFFICERS: | 2023-2024 |
Preeminent Governor | Zach A. Holmes |
Deputy Governor | Bobby K. Jordan |
Chancellor | Brian K. Autrey |
Treasurer | Kelly A. McMichael, OPC |
Secretary | Thomas H. Nesbit, OPC |
Primate | Dana A. Hochhalter |
Preceptor | G. Gregory Durr |
Seneschal | Frankie Cabaniss |
Marshal | Terry D. Macon |
Sentinel | David E. P. Jordan |