Grand Jurisdiction of Alabama
Grand Jurisdiction of Alabama

Emrys W. John #179

Emrys W. John #179 meets on the third Saturday of April and November at the Birmingham Metro York Rite Building with the meetings beginning at 1:00pm.

Our Annual Meeting is the third Saturday of April.

Joel I. Bryant
Preeminent Governor

For OFFICIAL Information, contact:
Recorder: B. Wayne Sparks
1300 5th Pl. NW
Centerpoint, AL 35215-5910

Officers of Emrys W. John College #179, YRC

Preeminent GovernorJoel I. Bryant
Eminent Deputy GovernorJohn F. Bradshaw
ChancellorW. (Hal) Hallman Hendrix
TreasurerW. Scott Wadsworth
SecretaryB. Wayne Sparks
Noble PrimateAlan F. Rhody
Noble PreceptorNathan Godwin
Noble SeneschalThomas Langley
Noble MarshallDavid A. Jones
Noble SentinelMike Taylor

Past Governors

Keith Zech2017-2018
Shannon White2018-2019
Tommy Fields2019-2020
Ken Baker2020-2021
Ray Adams2021-2022
Richard (Rusty) C. Beck2022-2023
Nick R. Barnes2023-2024

Meeting Location